Entra a far parte del team di Lakeview-Technology

Build the future together.

We believe in development and innovation. To do this you need a variety of skills and ideas that are the result of quality gained with the experience and desire for personal growth. We always look to the constant renewal of our products and the search for new solutions and applications. Become part of the Lakeview-Technology world.

If you are interested in becoming our dealer, area representative or joining our team, fill in the specific form.

Resell / Represent

Are you a company or a freelancer and are you interested in becoming our local dealer or representative?
Lakeview-Technology is continuously growing and we are constantly looking for coverage of areas at local and international level for the promotion of our solutions.
If you are interested, get in touch with us!

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    Work with us

    Our company is composed by different figures with different skills.
    Mechanics, electronics, automation and information technology are just some of the areas in which the various skills that make up our team fit.
    Are you a professional with experience in the sector? Are you a student looking for an internship?
    Make yourself known! Send us your application.

      By sending the message, you declare that you have read the text on data processing *