It doesn't matter in which sector you operate. We have the solution for every reality.

A wide range of solutions able to satisfy the requests of numerous sectors.


We have many years of experience in the fashion industry. Here we were born. Here we grew up.
We work continuously to offer the best to one of the most demanding sectors from the modeling point of view. Our CAD pays great attention to the typical criticalities of this activity, offering one of the best software out there.
Discover our proposals for product development, from modeling to cutting.


The use of various materials, from leather to fabrics passing through technical materials such as resin for padding, as well as the high request for customization of the product, mean that this sector requires extremely efficient solutions.
Versatility of use, simplicity, precision.
We have several proposals for this sector, depending on whether it is a standardized or artisanal production.
Discover our proposals for AUTOMATIC CUTTING and CAD for furniture sector.


The automotive sector is dictated by high quality standards with particular attention to detail.
Another important aspect is the use of materials for which is important to keep optimization in production under control in order to reduce costs due to material waste.
Thanks to our solutions you will find everything you need to reach the typical industry standards.


The strict regulations in force in this sector impose production parameters without compromise.
The required precision is extremely high in order to fall within the imposed parameters.
Our machines have this goal. We are committed to ensuring the highest quality standards required for each sector.
Discover the most suitable proposals for the aeronautical sector.


We operate in the nautical sector to meet the typical needs of the production of inflatable boats, sails, awnings, flooring and furnishings.
In the same way, our solutions reflect standards capable of guaranteeing high quality in the production of interiors of yachts, ships, sailboats and everything that turn around this important sector where quality and attention to detail are important factors to keep always under control. The materials used are extremely varied, from the Hypalon for the development of the tubulars, to fake TECK panels for the flooring of boats. Another typical feature is the size of the parts with which you work, with the consequent need to work with solutions that can manage this requirement.
We have the necessary know-how to be able to offer the best in this sector too.
Discover CAD and automatic cutting with an integrated large-scale digitizing system.


The sectors that operate with technical materials are very numerous.
Our long experience in the development of modeling software, automatic cutting solutions and digitization systems allow us to face new realities without fear.
Our range of products for the most varied needs, as well as the ability to adapt to new proposals and new challenges, allows us to offer solutions also to all those sectors for which we have not mentioned the specific category.
It doesn’t matter in which sector you operate.
If you need modeling software, if you need to cut materials such as fabrics, leather or other technical materials, or if you need to digitize small or large shapes, discover our proposals or contact us directly to expose your needs and find out what we can offer.

Do you operate in a sector that you do not find among those proposed?

Lakeview-Technology is pleased to listen to your needs, new proposals and ideas. We are ready for new challenges.
Every day we interface with the most varied realities, each with its needs, each with its own way of working, each with a different problem for which it seeks an effective, safe and reliable solution.
These are the factors that continually stimulate us to work alongside our customers to offer new and innovative solutions that can offer new ways of working faster, safer and more efficiently.
Contact us to propose your challenge.
Contact us to tell us about your needs.

We Design Solutions

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